Will Worsley

What can a new president do about a White House full of ghosts?

The Potusgeists

Nobody thought Patty could win the White House. She didn’t know it’s full of ghosts.

Arriving in Washington with grandiose plans, Patty Pitypander quickly discovers she’s way in over her head. The Oval Office is not what she expected. Neither are its grumpy ghosts, the Potusgeists, who view her wacky ideas for reform as a danger to the republic—and a call to action.

They send erudite Thomas Jefferson to mentor Patty. Backing him is an all-star cast of dead presidents and first ladies, ready to spook her from the West Wing to the Blue Room if she resists.

And lurking among the living are traitors within Patty’s inner circle who are just dying to give her back a good stab—if crazy Mrs. Lincoln doesn’t do it first.

In the ensuing struggle between the living and the dead, Patty must prove herself to both, or she’ll lose the presidency. Can she save herself in time?


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